Admission Instructions for Mont I - 2025 -2026
Admission List 2025-2026

General Rules & Regulations

Rule of Conduct:

1. General Conduct: Carry school journal and planner daily, wear neat uniforms, and ID cards. Be punctual, respectful, and maintain high standards in academics and conduct.

2. Property and Safety: Take care of school property, dispose of waste in dustbins, and refrain from damaging property or engaging in harmful activities.

3. Discipline and Behavior: No unfair means during exams, no throwing stones or playing with hard balls, and no crackers or fireworks in school premises.

4. Parental Cooperation: Parents must cooperate with the school, inform about infectious diseases, and obtain permission for meetings with teachers.

5. Miscellaneous: No driving or riding to school, no gifts to teachers without permission, and converse in English within school premises.