Admission Instructions for Mont I - 2025 -2026
Admission List 2025-2026


Nature of the Institution

Sacred Heart Central School (CBSE), Villupuram is owned and administered by the Carmelite Sisters of St. Teresa, Tamil Nadu Province. Inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ, and Gospel values such as love, peace, brotherhood, equality, joy, service and forgiveness etc., it is a minority institution enjoying the rights and privileges guaranteed by the Indian Constitution (Article 30 of the Constitution of India.) The administration of the school is overseen by the Correspondent & Principal.

The management and staff, faithful to the spirit and charism of our Foundress Mother Teresa of St. Rose of Lima, work together for the common goal of forming young people into citizens, worthy of God and worthy of our nation and the world.

Though SHCS (CBSE) is a Catholic institution, admission and appointment are open to all communities. The school values the essential dignity of each individual and therefore puts all students on an equal footing, irrespective of their community, caste, creed, social status and financial position. An atmosphere of mutual respect and support, genuine care and warm friendship prevails in the Carmelite community of parents, pupils and educators. Most parents realize the importance of their role as co-educators. Therefore, they co-operate with the school and encourage, guide, support and inspire their children. The school helps the parents in this regard by providing them with periodic progress reports, diary remarks, circulars and deficiency reports, and also by promoting collective interaction in the PTA meetings and individual interface in the Open Houses.

The much-acclaimed school assembly, held every day, has been providing the students with a unique opportunity to improve their oratorical, artistic and interactive skills.

Every child is given the opportunity to participate in various competitions and co-curricular activities and showcase their creative talents. We believe that recognition is a powerful motivator, and every student is recognized and appreciated for their achievements, no matter how small.

The sense of shared responsibility and active involvement to achieve the common goals and vision of education, enable us to form one family. Teachers lead by example, words, and deeds, and help students to establish the right priorities, so that in all situations they are guided to live by faith in God, who is the common Father of us all.