Admission Instructions for Mont I - 2025 -2026
Admission List 2025-2026

Norms for promotion

1. Promotion is granted based on the whole year's work, emphasizing regularity and performance in examinations.

2. For promotion, 75% attendance is compulsory for every student. In case of serious illness or accident, parents/guardians must inform the school authorities in time.

3. The Principal may grant exemption from attendance requirements in exceptional cases, as per CBSE guidelines.

4. Grading Scale for Scholastic Areas (Classes I-XII):

Marks Range Grade

  • 91 – 100 A1

  • 81 – 90 A2

  • 71 – 80 B1

  • 61 – 70 B2

  • 51 – 60 C1

  • 41 – 50 C2

  • 33 – 40 D

32 & Below E (Needs Improvement)

Promotion Policy for Classes IX and XI:

a) Overall results will be based on both unit and terminal examinations.

b) Minimum pass percentage in each subject is 33.

c) Passing theory and practical separately is compulsory.

d) Students failing in only ONE/TWO SUBJECTS will be given a compartment.

e) Students failing in THREE SUBJECTS will be detained.

f) Assessment scheme includes an 80/70-mark component for Annual/Board examinations (Grade IX-XII) and a 20/30 marks component of Internal Assessment.

g) No grade will be awarded to students absent from exams. No reexams will be conducted.

h) Results declared at the end of the year are final and will not be reconsidered.

Note: The school reserves the right to modify its promotion policy as per CBSE guidelines and other regulatory requirements.