Admission Instructions for Mont I - 2025 -2026
Admission List 2025-2026

Smart Class Rooms

Given that the pandemic forced all the schools to adopt smart classrooms, traditional classrooms lost their glare. Laptops/computers, internet connectivity, projectors, amplifiers, visualisers, smart boards, speakers, podiums, microphones, and other technological ways support smart classrooms.

Since students spend most of their time on gadgets and smartphones, smart classes have become more fun and exciting for them to get along with their studies attentively. With innovative technology, smart classes for kids are changing the learning experience for students and teachers.

According to the Indian Education Sector Outlook, out of a total of 1.3 million schools in India, only 10 per cent of the private schools have adopted multimedia classroom teaching. Students engage with the curriculum in smart classes through animations and videos. Also, teachers can quickly assess and evaluate students' progress and performance using innovative technological tools.

Smart classes too aim towards quality learning, but the methods followed are a bit different. Computers, laptops, high-speed internet, LEDs, projectors, eBooks, etc., are the ready-to-go tools for smart classrooms. Students are engaged in the lessons with audio and video lectures from their teachers and experts globally. Teachers get easy access and immediate to their doubts if any. Also, students can quickly get in touch with their teachers even after the lectures, and vice-versa.