Parents should produce medical certificate, if their children take leave on any medical ground, Prior permission must be obtained from the head of the institution.
Medical certificate should be produced if the child avails leave for more than 3 consecutive days.
Absence from school
1. Prior Permission: Parents/Guardians must obtain prior permission from the school authorities for their ward's absence, except in cases of emergency or sickness.
2. Leave Application: When a student is absent without prior permission, the parent/guardian must submit a leave application on the same day, explaining the reason for the absence.
3. Sanctioned Leave: Once in school, a student is not permitted to leave without a previously sanctioned application letter from the parent/guardian.
4. Sickness and Medical Certificate: If a student falls sick, the leave application should be sent within two working days. If the student continues to be sick for more than three days, a medical certificate
from a registered medical practitioner must be produced. When the student re-joins, a 'Medical Fitness Certificate' from the same doctor must be submitted.
5. Emergency Leave: No student will be permitted to leave the school premises during class hours except in cases of emergency, with prior permission from the school authorities.
6. Consequences of Unapproved Absence: Repeated instances of unapproved absence may lead to disciplinary action, including detention and/or a warning, as per the school's rules and
regulations, and may also affect the student's academic performance and promotion.
7. Attendance Requirements: As per CBSE guidelines, students must attend at least 75% of the total classes held in an academic year to be eligible to appear for the Annual/ Board Examinations.